New Zealand

What makes New Zealand’s Central Otago apricots the best in the world?

Our climate
Bred in New Zealand for New Zealand conditions, NZsummer 2, 3 and 4 are perfectly suited to the climatic conditions of Central Otago. We also grow Kioto variety apricots.
Great shelf life
Two varieties store longer than other apricots due to an ethylene-recessive gene and are therefore suited to the export market.
Amazing attributes
Our apricots are super sweet with low acidity and have an appealing bright colour. They are firm, yet juicy in texture – all attributes our customers desire in apricots!


Mid-size, orange with a bright-red blush. A classic, sweet apricot. High shelf life potential. Available early February.


Mid-size, reddish appearance, high brix level. High shelf life potential. Available mid-late February.


Mid-size, extremely sweet and low in acidity. Available in December.

Our apricots are available progressively between December and February.


  • Nzsummer4


  • Kioto


  • NZsummer2
  • NZsummer3

Order your apricots early to ensure your supply. Our friendly team is ready to help.